Thinking About Having An Unmedicated Birth?

This Class Is For You

I have been interested in birth since I was 6 years old. It was at 6 that I remember finding out a friends mother was an OB/GYN and around the same time my little sister was born. It left an imprint that would greatly shape my adult life.

I now work as a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Women's Health providing prenatal care and caring for women throughout their life. I am also a wife and mother of three.

I chose to have unmedicated births not because I think something is wrong with an epidural but because I wanted to experience it all. I wanted to limit my interventions and maximize my experience.

I chose to have unmedicated births, but with my first child it did not work out (and that is ok!!). When having my second and third kids I knew exactly what I needed to do. Now I am going to teach you!

Go From Curious To Confident!

Fill your tool box by compiling a stock pile of techniques to manage contraction pain and navigate childbirth.

This course will deep dive into not only the physical tricks and tools to manage contraction pain but the mental strategies to put mind over matter and “do the hard thing!” You will need a variety of techniques to get through labor, and in this class you will learn what “relaxed” feels like and why it matters. Then I will teach you how to go to your relaxed place in labor.

Created by a medical provider, this course is more than a yoga course. We will practice breathing strategies with the intention of reducing your fear, tension, and pain. You will learn the benefits of movement in birth and review the labor tools available to assist in an unmedicated birth.

You don’t have to commit to a single method (i.e. Bradley, Hypnobirthing, Lamaze) to have an unmedicated birth, you just have to commit to yourself and your goals.

Prepare Your Partner

You will benefit from having support. Is your partner ready? This course will speak to both you and your partner!

Prepare Your Home

This class is not intended to prepare you for a home birth but we will discuss considerations for laboring at home and your at home tools available to you.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Techniques For Managing Contractions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Labor Walkthrough
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Content!! (This one is for you partner)
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Consider This Course An Addendum To Birthing Basics

While you can take this course alone and receive incredible value, it does not cover the basics.

I believe that it is necessary to understand the process of birth to be able to have a positive experience with or without medication. I also believe it is important to prepare for the alternatives in order to increase your birth satisfaction.

Sign up for Birthing Basics to get an overview of the birth experience. Unmedicated Birth will then take you on a deep dive into both the physical tricks and tools to manage contraction pain as well as the mental strategies to put mind over matter and "do the hard thing!"