Make your nutrition a productive part of your health plan
Are you worried about managing your weight while pregnant and handling pregnancy cravings and symptoms?
Do you simply want to know what foods you should be eating to promote your baby's growth and development and which foods to avoid?
Leave class with a better understanding of the importance of food during your pregnancy and tips to make your nutrition a productive part of your health plan.
What This Course Is All About
This course was designed to teach you what a "well rounded diet" is and why what you eat in pregnancy matters.
This approximately 1 hour course breaks down the nutrients needed in pregnancy to grow a healthy baby and feel great.
I will provide you with a 13 page list of nutrient sources so you will have concrete ideas of how to work the necessary nutrients into your diet.
Forget about that long list of foods to avoid and simply understand how to make safe food choices.
"In pregnancy you should eat the way you were always intended to eat, what changes when you become pregnant is that now it's more important than ever."
Mother Of Three
I am a mother of three and have been there. I know maintaining a healthy diet in pregnancy is not always as simple as just eating the veggies. Students in this course will pick up ideas for what to do when you are struggling with pregnancy symptoms and cravings as well as weight gain goals.
Lisa Holloway
Pregnancy is a time of amazing beauty. I strive to enhance that experience for each woman with whom I interact. I believe that women are strong and capable and empower hundreds of clients each year through education. I also have a sweet tooth that some days seems to have a mind of it's own.
OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner
I help my patients every day monitor their weight, food choices, and how they feel in pregnancy. There is not enough time in one prenatal appointment, however, to get you all the details you need to make healthy choices in your pregnancy. This class is designed to empower you to make your best diet choices.
Example Curriculum
It Does Not Have To Be Complicated
Join me in class as I simplify the role nutrition plays in the growth of your baby and how you feel. Together lets develop and work towards your nutritional goals in pregnancy.